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Partner at Tulchan Group. Priest in Church of England. Bad dancer

Sunday, 6 March 2011

You say Goodbye, and I say Hello.....

I have been to two branded national institutions today - first the Church of England and second the Apple Store (yes, I know it's Sunday but this was an emergency as my Iphone is extremely unwell and needed emergency surgery).  Two very differerent places I think you'll agree, but it did get me wondering how come one place was mobbed with people of all ages and backgrounds drooling over the product that was being the sold and the other was, well, Church.

One thing that it is obvious to me that we should learn from the best in retail is how to welcome the customer properly.  It drives me mad when I visit Churches and am handed a service sheet by someone who doesn't make eye contact, doesn't say hello, is looking over my shoulder at the next punter (who they have probably known for years!). 

If we want to be enthusiastic in how we sell the Gospel to target customers we should start as we mean to carry on - at the front door. The role of welcomer, or sidesperson, or whatever you want to call it is incredibly important.  Just as they are in the Apple store, welcomers should be trained, and they should be senior, and they should have the people skills necessary to fulfil their job descriptions.  I actually think that Vicars should be at the door to welcome people at the start of the service - surely this is more important than shaking hands with the punters after they are leaving - by then it is too late to make the sale.


  1. Another issue is that a lot of CofE churches are unsure as to the 'product' that they're selling. Is it a warm and friendly community? Is it an opportunity to take part in a weekly ritual cleansing? Is it a chance to get brownie points with the local school? or is it a chance to hear a message of salvation and be encouraged through meeting with brothers and sisters in Christ?

    Some churches are like the apple store of course, all style and little substance!

  2. Thanks for this comment Peter. The only thing I disagree with is the bit about the apple store...all style and little substance?? I...Must...have...an...IPad.....

  3. A fine line to tread, I feel. How to welcome without pouncing and making the poor visitor want to run a mile in horror… Dilemma. One which we probably consistently fail to manage - not least because half the time we indeed have no idea what we're selling. Maybe threatening to put 'shine Jesus shine' on repeat as punishment for poor welcoming will kick us into gear!!
    By the way, remind me, what are we selling? ;)

  4. I agree about not pouncing - but there is no harm in shaking people by the hand and saying "welcome" - I was once asked if I had been drenched in the blood of the risen lamb which was, even by my standards, a tiny weeny bit heavy!
    Re: what are we selling....the subject of another blog methinks....Thanks so much for your comments
